
My name is
Joshua Delgado Cacho and I'm a Pianist and a Music teacher in Davao City.

If you like music as much as I do, feel free to contact me and I can help you to pursue your dreams in playing your chosen music instruments.

The Advantages of Music Home Lessons

Parents would usually ask me, what would you advise? Home Lesson or Studio Lesson? Results and learning progress is the same for both, this is basically for the parents to decide and asses if their child is confident and ready to be alone with their teacher.

Besides saving the customer valuable driving time, there are a few other advantages of having our teachers come to you: Starting music lessons with a new teacher can be less scary for younger children when they are in their own homes. The teacher may be new, but their surroundings are familiar and comfortable. This will make adjusting to their new teacher and the structure of the lessons easier.

The parent has a very big role in making the child's learning a success. Sometimes, kids gets bored and tired, parent should always be there to praise and encourage the child to continue learning. Piano lessons or guitar lessons takes a lot of practice and dedication. Teacher and parent's should work together, communication is and constant feedback of the child's progress is important.

Sharing one of my home lessons this weekend.

Guitar Lessons in Davao