
My name is
Joshua Delgado Cacho and I'm a Pianist and a Music teacher in Davao City.

If you like music as much as I do, feel free to contact me and I can help you to pursue your dreams in playing your chosen music instruments.

Top 5 benefits of Sending Your Child to Music Summer Class

As March begins in the next few months, our minds turn to the coming summer; visions of white beaches, family outing, barbecue party, movie marathon and fun fill our minds. But the summer’s truest fans are kids, and as soon as the last bell rings on the final day of the school year, their freedom begins!!

Studies have suggested that during the summer kids can lose the equivalent of 2.6 months’ worth of what they learned over the school year. Keeping their minds working and agile can help fight this effect. Summer is a prime time for children to learn new lessons and develop a whole new set of skills; 

Here are the top 5 benefits why we should send our children to Summer Music Classes.

# 5
Unplug from technology – When kids take a break from TV, cell phones, and the Internet (facebook, twitter, instagram, DOTA, clash of clans and other online games), they rediscover their creative powers and engage the real world— real people, real activities, and real emotions. They realize, there’s always plenty to do.

Develop life-long skills while still young
Research shows there are direct correlations between musical training and improved language development, IQ, academic performance, reasoning abilities, creativity, and problem solving - fundamental skills that children take into adult颅hood and into their workplace, families, and community.

Scientific findings indicate that musical experience improves cognitive abilities such as, reading, symbolic and spatial reasoning, verbal memory, mathematics, self-esteem, and general intelligence.  A 2006 study showed a positive correlation between music lessons and IQ in 6-11 year olds, concluding that taking music lessons as a child predicts both academic performance and IQ in young adulthood.

Kids become more confident – Playing musical instruments and joining music recitals build self-confidence and self-esteem by removing the kind of academic, athletic and social competition that shapes their lives at school. 

Musical training improves language development and verbal memory
A Stanford University study showed that mastering a musical instrument improves brain processing in areas associated with language development, and may have implications for improving language/reading skills . Other research demonstrates that children with music training have significantly better verbal memory than those without such training, and the longer the training, the better the verbal memory

Study in the arts develops character
In addition to cognitive skills, study in the arts helps to develop desirable character traits such as discipline, perseverance, resourcefulness, teamwork, appreciation for beauty, patience, self-control, problem solving, and empathy.

We just have to remember that summer is supposed to be fun and memorable. For kids, summer is freedom! No early 7AM waking up, no uniforms, no homework. Make sure to get at least 10AM on-wards class schedule and give them enough time to do physical activities with friends. If kids are forced to join classes that they really don't want to, learning would be very hard for them, teachings wont be very effective. Child’s willingness, interest, enthusiasm and support from their family must always be there.
