
My name is
Joshua Delgado Cacho and I'm a Pianist and a Music teacher in Davao City.

If you like music as much as I do, feel free to contact me and I can help you to pursue your dreams in playing your chosen music instruments.

Joshua Cacho Music Studio Student Performances

Performing is an important skill for any musician.  Despite the hard work involved, in the long run, the students find it a rewarding activity.

Here are some benefits of enrolling your children to a Music Lesson and letting them join the Music recital

1. A piano student learns to read two lines of music, use both ears, arms, legs, feet and all ten fingers, with the brain giving each body part a different assignment to perform simultaneously. No other activity allows a child to exercise all of these skills in such a constructive manner.  Piano lessons, therefore, develop coordination in both mind and muscles, which transfers to many daily activities. This includes improved hand-eye coordination, greater enjoyment and ability in sports, and the full use of both left and right sides of the brain.

2. Parents enjoy hearing the progress
Grandparents and parents love attending these performances and getting pictures/video recordings of their child’s performance (esp. when it’s their first).  There’s something special about watching your child all dressed up and playing a special piece for an audience onstage.

3. A recital provides the teacher the opportunity to give them a more challenging piece to work on long-term, in contrast to their everyday assignments from their Lesson, which often receive only 2 to 4 weeks worth of attention.  It is important for a student to learn to polish their pieces and reach the point of internalization of the music.

4. Recitals allow each student to hear their fellow students play.  This is important for two reasons: a) Hearing the young beginners play reminds them how far they have progressed since their first lesson.  b) Hearing the more advanced students may cause them to aspire to become better pianists.  It is important for students to hear other performers play so they stay enthused and to get their creative juices flowing.

5. Building self-confidence, completing a difficult task is very rewarding and allows the student to feel good about what she has accomplished. As a matter of fact, learning to play the piano is one of the best methods of instilling confidence in children and adults alike.

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